2200 Gallon Outdoor Discus Setup

2200 Gallon Outdoor Discus Setup

sunken garden

This incredible setup is the center piece of our private client’s serene garden. Along with other water features, the aquarium not only provides tranquility for the entire place, but also present the amazing view of the garden right from the sun room, which the entire wall is lined by giant glass panels.

1900 Gallon Cylindrical Pool-Side Setup

1900 Gallon Cylindrical Pool-Side Setup

Acquario di trevi

Though not in Rome, Italy, our client replicated the famous fountain with astonishing details in his private estate. However, instead of a fountain, it’s a pool, which his family and visitors get to admire the beautiful sculptures up close while taking a dip in the cool water.

This 1900 Gallon cylindrical setup was custom designed and installed by the pool because the client wanted to add some beautiful element of nature into this otherwise static space.

1100 Gallon In-wall Setup

1100 Gallon In-wall Setup

Regal forest

This underwater forest is installed in the great room of a luxury residence. With beautifully custom crafted ivory-colored cabinetry, this setup sits inside the center of the front wall, displaying the power and beauty of nature to the entire room.